Shining Force




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Champion of Mustafar
(YT-2400 Quest) |参考MAP

クエストは下記"Supplies for the Miners"から始まる.






クエスト完遂後は何度でもダンジョンに挑戦可能. (YT-2400ディードも何個でも入手可)


Supplies for the Miners
報酬:    5,000cr
開始NPC:  Mustafar/Mensix Mining Facility/"Foreman Chivos" [334, -1125]

1, Mustafar/Mensix Mining Facility/"Foreman Chivos" [334, -1125]に話す.

2, Mustafar/ムスタファーの採掘キャンプ/フィールド・サプライ・ロッカー [-20, -3237]を開ける. (ラジアルメニューで"補給物資の補充 Restock Supplies")

3, Chivosからコムリンクが入り, 次のクエストへ.


Replace Air Filters
報酬:    5,000cr
開始NPC: "作業員への補給物資"クエストの続き

1, 次の4ヶ所の"空調ダクト"のフィルタを交換する. (ラジアルメニューで"エア・フィルターの交換 Replace Air Filter")
 A. (-7, -1587)
 B. (-185, -1613)
 C. (-277, -1647)
 D. (-502, -1600)

2, Chivosに報告.


Salvage of Die
報酬:    5,000cr
        作業員のメダリオン Miner’s Medallion (+25 Fire Resistance necklace)
開始NPC: "エア・フィルターの交換"クエストの続き

1, Chivosに話す.

墜落現場((POI)の"パワー・ロッド・コア・ケース"を4本回収する. (ラジ2, アルメニューで"パワー・ロッドの回収 Remove Power Rod from Core")
 A. (136, 259)
 B. (146, 104)
 C. (137, 659)
 D. "Salvage Bandit Chief" (CL80 Elite, 2分でrespawn) [147, 130]を殺してルート.

3, Chivosに報告.


The Downed Ship
報酬:    none
開始NPC: Mustafar/Mensix Mining Facility/"Milo Mensix" [301, -1224] ("Supplies for the Miners"クエストの続き)

1, "Milo Mensix" [301, -1224]に話す.

2, 旧共和国シップの艦橋[261, 23]にある"作業中のターミナル Working Terminal"をラジアルメニューで"会話"する.

3, "壊れたターミナル Damaged Terminal"[210, 286]をラジアルメニューで"会話"する.

4, サーキット・ボードを4つルートするまで周辺にいるSalvage Bandit(CL75)を殺す.

5, 艦橋の"作業中のターミナル"[261, 23]へ戻り, ラジアルメニューで"サーキット・ボードの取付け".

6, しばらく待ってから, "作業中のターミナル"をラジアルメニューで"会話"する.


(クバサ・ビートルの洞窟 Kubaza Beetle Cavern)|MAP
報酬:    172,030クエスト経験値

1, クバサ・ビートルの洞窟 [-724, 507, プライベート・ダンジョン]へ行く.
※ハイレベル・ダンジョンです. フルグループ推奨. 主なmob = Drone Beetle, Worker Beetle, Soldier Beetle, 巣, Droid NPC...
制限時間: 20分
ロックアウト・タイマー: 45分

  • Droid NPCは洞窟内を巡回して"Marker"を設置している.

  • Drone & Worker BeetleはDroid NPCが設置した"Marker"を破壊している.

  • 巣からWorker BeetleとDrone BeetleがPOPする.

  • プレーヤーが巣を攻撃し始めるとSoldier BeetleはプレーヤーかDroid NPCにヘイトする.

基本的な流れは, 邪魔をするBeetleを倒してDroic NPCに"Marker"を11個設置させ, "Beetle Foreman"(boss)をPOPさせて殺すことが目的となります.
"Beetle Foreman"は"Defender Beetle"数匹を従えています.

1) Beetleの巣(全部で4つ)を破壊する. (Beetleは無視する)

2) Droid NPCの"Marker"設置の障害となる残りのWorker & Drone Beetleを全て殺す.

3) Droid NPCが"Marker"を設置している時は, Droid NPCを2~3人で護衛して, 残りのメンバーはSoldier Beetleを殺して前方を確保する.

4) "Marker"が11個設置されると"Foreman Beetle"がPOPする.

5) Defender Beetleに攻撃する. (Foremanは後回し)

6) 雑魚を倒したらForemanを殺す.

2, 艦橋(Bridge)へ戻ってWorking Terminalにアクセスする.


Old Research Facility|MAP
報酬:    172,030クエスト経験値

1, Old Research Facility [2107, 3099 プライベート・ダンジョン]
 ※中レベル・ダンジョン. 3~4人でOK.
 ※"A History Lesson"クエストと並行して進めることができます.
 ※"Fragments of the Past"クエストと並行して進めることができます.

2, メインフロアのPower Access Terminal ("Activate Power")を操作して 地下1階へのドアを開ける. (マップA)

3, Storage Chest ("Open")からAccess Key Cardを入手. (マップB)

4, 入手したAccess Key Cardで2-QCルームのドアを開けて, "Journal Screen"を調査する. (マップC)

5, 同じ階にあるsecurity roomへ行き, "Security Console"にアクセスする. (マップD)

6, 地下2階へ移動し, 3-GSルームのドアを開けて, "Ventilation System"にアクセスする. (マップE)

7, power coreに入って"Air Filtration System"にアクセスする. (マップF)

8, 次の部屋にある箱から"Spare Computer Parts"を回収する. (マップG)

9, droidやcreatureを倒しながらメインフロアに戻る.

10, Main Systems Terminal("Install spare parts")にアクセス. 少し待ってからもう一度アクセス. (マップH)

11, 地下2階のpower core roomにあるterminal Delta-5を操作. (マップJ).


Decrepit Droid Factory|MAP
報酬:    172,030クエスト経験値

1, ドロイド工場[3410,-997] (プライベート・ダンジョン)へ行く.
※ダンジョンに入るには, ドアの両脇にあるターミナルではなくブラストドアをラジアルメニューで開き, "老朽化したドロイド工場"を選択して開ける.

2, Access panel (マップA)にアクセスしてドアを開けて,吹き抜けのある回廊へ入る.

3, 時計回りに壁沿いを移動しながらBattle Droid(CL83, Elite)9体を全滅させる.

4, 3つのCode terminal (マップ"B-1," "B-2," "B-3")とAccess terminal (マップ"C")の計4ヵ所に一人ずつ配置準備してから下記を実行.

1) それぞれのターミナルにアクセスして6桁のコードを入手. (例:"22xxxx","xx07xx","xxxx56")

2) いずれかのターミナルに一番最初にアクセスしてからカウントダウン(10秒)が始まる. (10秒経過するとコードはリセットされる)

3) Code terminalの数字を合体させた6桁(例:"220756")をAccess terminalのパネルに入力.

5, Security roomへ行き, Access terminal (マップ"D")とSensor panel 2つ(マップ"E-1", "E-2")で次の操作をする.

1) 2つのSensor panelでラジアルメニューから"遮断(Obstruct)"を同時に実行.

2) 次にAccess terminalにアクセス.
失敗するとBattle Droid(CL83, Elite)3体がPOP.

[TIPS] 『3, 2, 1, 0』と秒読みをして, "1"のタイミングで2つのSensor panelを操作, "0"のタイミングでAccess terminalを操作するとベター.

6, Super Battle Droid (CL85, Boss) (マップ"F")に注意しながら通路を移動して大部屋のdroidを一掃する.

7, 手前の円形ルームのAccess terminal(マップ"G")にアクセスしてから, 奥の円形ルームにあるEnvironmental Control(マップ"H")にアクセスする.

8, Power Generator (マップ"I")のスイッチをオンにすると通路上に"Guardian of the Factory(CL85,Boss)"と, 動かないSBD(CL85, Boss)が湧くので倒す.

9, 5分後に自動的にダンジョンの外に追い出されるが, Door Terminal (マップ"J")でドアを開けて部屋の中にあるTerminal(マップ"K")にアクセスすることで任意で脱出することもできる.


The Enemy Revealed

1, Old Research Facility [2107, 3099]に戻り, 入り口のドアの前へ行く.
(クエストがアップデートされ, 本当の敵が明らかになる.)

2, Mining Facility/"Milo Mensix" [301, -1224]に報告.

The Koseyet Mining Camp (フルグループ推奨)
報酬:    172,030クエスト経験値

1, "Scout Olon Lono" [3430, -3130]に話し掛けてKoseyet Mining Camp(プライベート・ダンジョン)に入る.

2, 入ってすぐにForeman Koseyetに話し掛けると, もう一つのキャンプへ行くよう指示を受ける.


前衛基地のジェネレータが破壊されるとグループメンバーはデバフを受けるので注意すること. (15分間, -100メレー&レンジ・ディフェンス, -10スピード)


地面にはDemolition Charge(爆破薬)があり, これを回収して好きな場所に設置することができます.
回収するとインベントリに起爆装置が作成され, ダブルクリックすると設置されます.

前衛基地のa shift leader 2人に話すと『プレーヤーに同行させる』か『配置につかせる』の2択することができ, 援軍として戦ってくれます.

敵小隊の中にHK-88(CL80, Elite)がいたら, まず先に殺すこと.
通常はランダムにAK-1A "Hammer", AK-3 "Reaper", GK-5 "Sentry"(全てCL83, Gold)がスポーンします.

ある時点でForward Commander Mk 1(CL84)がスポーンします.
なるべく奥まで誘い込んでフルグループでForward Commander Mk 1を倒しましょう.


3, 防衛が終わってミッションが完了したら, Foreman Koseyetに話してダンジョンを出ます.


Operational Droid Factory
報酬:    172,030クエスト経験値

1, ドロイド工場 [3410, -997; プライベート・ダンジョン]へ行く.

2, 入り口のスロープの右側にあるシステム・ターミナル(メモリー・バンクにアクセス)を操作する. (クエスト受領者は全員行うこと.)

3, インベントリに, ドロイド工場記録(記録アーカイブにアクセス)が入るので確認する. (スマグラであればコードをスライス可能)

4, 入り口のスロープの左側にあるブラスト・ドア・コントロールで"アクセス・コード入力" →37323

5, ブラストドアのラジアルメニューで"稼動中のドロイド工場"を選択して中に入る.

6, ドロイドNPCの"HK-58 Aurek(CL83, Boss)" (MAP="A")と"HK-58 Besh(CL83, Boss)" (MAP="B")を倒す.

7, terminal (MAP="C")にアクセスしてから"インヒビター貯蔵庫(インヒビター・ユニット生成、非アクティブ)"(MAP="D")へ行く.

8, Devastator (CL88 Boss, MAP="E")を倒す.
"Inhibitor Rod"(MAP="D")を回収.
energy sytems terminal (MAP="F")にRodを挿入.
"D"に戻り, "system is humming"というシステム・メッセージが表示されるまで待ってから他のRodを回収して同様の作業を行う.
これを行うことで, Devstatorのヘルス回復を低下させることができる.

9, "The Master Droid Engineer(CL84, Boss)" (MAP="G")を倒す.
MDE Droidに近づくと戦闘が開始.
戦闘が始まると奥の2つの部屋からDroid (Blastromechs, Assassin Droids, etc.)が大量にスポーンするので, 囮のタンクがこれらの注意をそらしている間に残りのメンバーでMDE Droidを倒す.
MDE Droidを倒す前にクエスト受領者が部屋から出てしまうとアグロが解けて非戦闘状態に戻ってしまうので注意すること.
MDE Droidを倒したら急いで部屋を出て他のDroidのアグロが解けるまで逃げて, グループの形勢を整えたら部屋に戻って残りのDroidを全滅させ, スポーンする"Fixer One (CL85, Boss)"を倒す.

10, Doom Bringer (CL85, Boss)を倒す.
Doombringer (MAP="H")
the Radiation Tubes (MAP="J")
Droid *6体(MAP="I")

HK-47 (MAP="K")に近づくと戦闘が始まる.

手下の"a hand of doom"たちは基本的に待機しており, ランダムにアグロになるので順番に攻撃して倒す.



レベル3放射性物質周辺では範囲攻撃は絶対に行わないこと. (レベル3放射性物質の破壊=ミッション失敗)

1) ステップ1
= 6人(ダメージ・ディーラー)
= 1人(タンク)
= 1人(タンク)

2) ステップ2
グループ#1はアクティブなdroidをターゲットし続け, 速やかに倒すこと.

3) ステップ3
グループ#2と#3は, グループ#1に攻撃されていない残りのドロイド2体をタンクすること.

4) ステップ4
グループ#2と#3は, 余計なドロイドが戦闘に乱入してきたら, 非アクティブなドロイドの近くへおびき寄せてください.

5) ステップ5

6) ステップ6


# 原文は『...has defeated the Doombringer and thwarted HK-47's attempt to destroy Mustafar.』です.
# 本来ならば, 『…は、ドゥームブリンガーを倒し、HK-47が企てたムスタファーを壊滅させる計画を阻止した。』になると思うのだが誤訳なんでしょうか….

  • システム・コントローラ(施設を出る)で工場を出る.

  • Mustafar/Mensix Mining Facility/"Milo Mensix" [301, -1224]に報告.

Volcano Crater
報酬:    172,030クエスト経験値

1, Mustafar/Mensix Mining Facility/"Master Pilot Menddle" [417, -1315]に話してVolcano Craterに移動する.

2, 1st トライアル

 HK-Taskmaster (CL85, boss, ヘルス=125k)
 SK-21 Support Droids *8体 (CL83, elite, ヘルス=19k)

HK-Taskmaster is the first boss that you will come across. At first, as with all of these trials, it looks fairly simple. HK-Taskmaster is spawned with 8 SK-21 Support Droids and as long as they stand HK-Taskmaster’s regeneration makes him nigh invincible.

Tactic: SL and any support you bring should stand 20-30m away or closer if they are healing. MT should run up to HK-Taskmaster and stay there, taunting if necessary and basically absorbing hits. If the MT can heal himself here it would help increase the agro on him for the final part of the trial.
The group should direct their damage towards the support droids. They will activate one at a time and initially agro MT, but if the group is fast it should not be a problem. Each SK-21 Support Droid will only stay active for a short period of time; there is a lot of running back and forth because of this. They do not regenerate their health while inactive.

As each SK-21 Support Droid is killed the HK-Taskmaster gains power through increased damage and defense. This is when you should keep an eye on the MT, as the increase might be unexpected and kill him. As soon as the last SK-21 Support Droid falls everyone should jump on HK-Taskmaster and do as high damage as possible: HK-Taskmaster is hitting quite hard at this time and MT should be running down on mind. Once he falls, your first trial is over.

3, 2nd トライアル

 AK Prime (CL85, boss, ヘルス=165k)
 HK-77 Assault Droid *4体 (CL82, elite, ヘルス=45k)

AK Prime was a very interesting idea, but is a stumbling block for most groups. He launches a missile volley into the air that will do 3000+dmg in a 30m area, a 30m area fire spray that causes a 999dmg fire tick, and a 65m cone fire spray that hits does 9000+dmg. There is good news and bad news. AK Prime does not deathblow and there is not 3incap in this trial. The bad news is that the HK-77 Assault Droids will. It is only through trickery that you will beat this boss.

Tactic: The key to this trial is to have everyone (including the MH and sl) stay within 0m of AK Prime because he will not use the missiles or fire spray on himself. You will know you are doing it right if the entire group is slowly walking in circles around the spawn area. Ignore the HK-77 Assault Droids if you can: if the MT spins a couple times to start the MH should be fine to heal him, however if he cannot it would be best to have the Backup Tank grab the agro of the HK-77 Assault Droids and stay healed. The MH should be aware of the fire DOT is very strong and if they try to heal the damage it causes on the MT for any length of time they will pull agro. The main responsibility of the MH should be to remove the fire DOT from the MT and himself to lower the chance of the MT and themselves dying. If everyone stays at 0m virtually no damage should be done.

Cautions: While running up to AK Prime your entire group could become incapacitated, but it’s not a big deal. If anyone needs to be healed it is the MT and MH; they are critical for this trial. Many groups try to cloak the HK-77 Assault Droids and end up with a bigger problem when the cloaked jedi runs far enough to lose agro: the HK-77 Assault Droid spawn doubles. If you are using a cloaking jedi make sure that he is aware of this.

4, 3rdトライアル

 Forward Commander Mk II (CL85, boss ヘルス=185k)
 HK-77 Assault Droid *15体 (CL82, elite, ヘルス=45k)
 Risen Commander *15体 (CL82, elite, ヘルス=55k)

This trial looks quite intimidating when you see a 5x3 formation of HK-77 Assault Droids with one Forward Commander Mk II standing behind them. It is not bad at all, as long as your group can keep up with the damage.

Tactic: The droids activate one at a time in 30 second intervals and do not stop until the last one comes online. The group should direct their damage to each of the droids as they spawn. This has been very effective when I have seen it done; they die in 20-30 seconds. Once the last droid goes active tell your group to stop attacking, and run 100m away from the spawn. He will follow you, of course. The MT should hold agro and let the rest of the group regain action and/or force for the next battle (half force is fine even for force armor). Once everyone is ready kill the final droid and Forward Commander Mk II should come to you.
As you fight Forward Commander Mk II the HK-77 Assault Droids should begin to revive as Risen Commanders; slowly at first but in larger waves at the end until all 15 are back up. If you have dragged Forward Commander Mk II away from the spawn you should be fine. Kill Forward Commander Mk II and use the SL or someone who can pull single/small groups of droids and kill them patiently. Once the last droid falls you will be ready for the next trial.
I have been in many groups that have cloak-agro’ed the revived droids. It works very well if you have a capable cloaker, but can be dangerous otherwise.

5, 4thトライアル

 CY-M Prototype (CL 85, Boss)

This Trial is quite interesting. It involves yet another droid jedi, CYD-M, but with an interesting twist. Not only does this droid have force powers such as force lightning, choke, and drain force, but he casts a spell that causes poison/disease and drains 5% of everyone’s force (there may be an exact amount, but 5% is close for a full template jedi). He does this often enough to cause a problem. He also spawns 30 CL80 elite kubaza beetles that explode when they die. Forgive the constant reference to jedi in this section; it is required.

Tactic: be glad that you took the time to kill those droid from the last spawn, because you are dragging again. Have one person pull and have everyone in your group stand in the middle of the last boss spawn. The puller can use any number of things to pull (ranged shot, lunge, dominate mind, force choke) as long as he can keep his hate up on CY-M. Let him be pulled all the way to you, even if the puller has to run behind the group. Only a few beetles should follow the puller and if the puller keeps running he can lose their agro without difficulty.
If the MT is not a master defender or does not have force shield he will need a lot of healing because lightning is electrical damage and goes through layered armor and force armor. Every jedi except the MT can channel to maintain their force bar: you will assuredly reach zero force without channeling during the fight. Make sure your MT knows that it is okay to ask for force or heals if he needs them.
Taunting the Boss becomes more critical with each trial. CY-M can do all kinds of nasty things to someone who catches his stray agro. One taunt per minute should do nicely; MT doing self heals will help even more. If MT has it, Force Feedback is very nice against CY-M: when using his high damage force attacks the damage will be reflected back at CY-M, causing him damage. You can leave the beetles that spawned while you were killing CY-M alone. One person can pull their desert skiff and transport the group across the lava in-between the last two bosses. Stay clear of the boss spawns as it would be bad for everyone to die in lava. Yay death!

6, 5thトライアル

 GK Oppressor (CL82, Boss)

Whoever came up with this trial is a very evil man. GK is a droid with force powers and some CM skills like:
Force Stasis (root and freeze) that cannot be broken
  • 200 accuracy
90% movement reduction
Speed reduction
Strong armor break
Action/Mind regeneration reduction
De-buffs food, spice, force armor, force speed, aura/cob, burst run, force run, AND FORCE CLOAK

GK does all of these attacks (except stasis, which he uses on the highest damage person) to everyone regardless of how far away they are.

Tactic: if you have not run into trouble you should have well over an hour to finish the dungeon. If everyone dies and you can do it again, try. Just because you fail once does not mean you cannot do it. This is the first Trial where even the best groups consistently fail, so do not be discouraged.
MT should pull this time, due to the fact that he will be snared and may be rooted on his long, slow walk to the group. Everyone, even the SLs and docs should stand together because if GK switches agro he can run fast while you cannot (65m is more like 650m). Once GK is in range of melee damage you should open the floodgates. MT should taunt often and the SL should spam called shot often. While GK does not do much damage and his regeneration is not exceptional, his de-buffs make him godlike. Depending on the strength of your individual members you might want to switch off tanks or use Toughen on your tank. Faster damage is better in most cases, but if your MT is dying it doesn’t matter much.
Whilst fighting GK he will spawn a group of 4 Droid Defenders and later a group of 4 Droid Sentinels. It is a waste of time to try to fight them; instead the best thing to do is to send one person in front of the group to agro all the newly spawned droids and die. The droids will run back to their spawn and not agro again. This person must die out of range of the rest of the group or the support droids will automatically agro the nearest person.
Just under half health GK will drop agro and run back to his spawn. As soon as everyone loses their snare/root one person (preferably not the MT) should once again attempt to pull GK back to the group. It will be harder this time due to the additional droids spawned around GK. The puller may need to eat pikatta, vayerbok, and chew exo-protein wafers to stay alive.
GK should still be at half health once he reaches the group again. It may be necessary for the puller and drop the agro of the support droids, but only after the Backup Tank (or anyone who can assume this role) has taken GK’s agro off of him. The puller can be immediately revived and continue fighting if he died from pulling. After this point it is a very straightforward fight: just kill and stay alive. When you are done you can leave the remaining droids alone. There is no escape.

Caution: It would be best to have the puller to be a master defender jedi or one with force valor due to their ability to mitigate ranged attacks: they can hold all of the agro for this trial almost at once. However, there is a current bug that the last person to agro and die to the support droids will be constantly debuffed for the rest of the instance (food, force powers, buff bar abilities). For this reason you should not use your MT to pull and die or risk dying, as it could compromise your ability to complete the next trial.

7, 6thトライアル

 HK-47 (CL83, Boss)

HK has all the skills of the all the previous bosses. While some of them are less severe, many are the same. Healing droids, Fire, force draining, beetles, poison and disease, de-buffs, and guardian droids.
Tactic: Before you get to HK you will have to fight through 2 squads of droids. the MT or anyone can pull one squad at a time (do not get close to HK) and bring them back to the group. You will be fighting in the same spot as before. Everyone should focus their damage on the Squad Leader of each droid group first. Once it is dead the other droids will have a low morale buff and make them very easy to kill with spin attacks. Repeat this with the next group.
Now you get to fight HK. For all jedi at this point there is a time limit. He takes a very long time (8-15min) to kill and drains a lot of force in that time. You should have no problem pulling HK back to the group, but his regeneration will become incredibly high due to the spawning support droids. If your group meets the damage requirements that I listed in the above section (it is an estimate) you can simply have one person drag HK as far away from his spawn as possible (more than 200m) and do as much damage as possible. The SL can switch to High Yield on someone and spam called shot once again. If HK continues to regenerate his health while you are all doing your damage you should switch to the strategy below.

Low DPS group Strategy: You must split up your group: MT and your backup tank will stay on HK and your two highest damage people will move forward to kill the support droids once the first support droid spawns. The other 4 group members should migrate as needed but stay between these two groups. Fast damage is not required on HK you are finished killing support droids, therefore it might be best for the SL to assist that group. The group killing the support droids should do its best not to agro or waste time on the kubaza beetles or the defender droids (one person dying to them is faster than fighting). It will be easy at first because some of the support droids catch onto your plan and run to help HK, but towards the end they will just sit in the back and heal HK from a distance. Kill at least 5 support droids or as many as needed and have your entire group attack HK and do high damage. The group killing the support droids should be very careful not to drag any of the droids back to the HK group. There are a few ways to tell when your group should all pounce:
  • HK is below 45k health. At this point all the support droids have been spawned, if your group was able to reduce HK this far without their two high dps members they can now finish him without problem. Your group probably could have killed him with the first strategy.
  • Kubaza Beetles start to spawn. Support droids seem to spawn consistantly after HK is activated, but the Kubaza beetles and Guardian droids seem to spawn once HK's health drops a certain percentage. If your group is killing HK slowly (which ideal, actually) your members killing support droids should have a very easy time killing support droids. Once you see kubaza beetles spawn you can take this to mean that your group is overcoming HK's regeneration without much problem anymore.
  • Your MT or high DPS jedi reach half force. It has taken too long to kill the support droids and whether or not you have killed enough you may not have enough time to kill any more. This is safe ending point as different jedi consume their force at different rates. If you have already killed 5 droids you should be fine.
HK should last around 4 minutes. He may regen while your group has its speed debuffed, but should still go down once again when it wears off.

Loot your kill. Speak to the Droid on the Bridge of the landed yt2400 and he will let you leave. Enjoy!

Caution: Even with this guide it is quite possible that everything will go bad: someone goes ld, your tank or someone else may die and decrease your total DPS just enough to make success impossible. if your MH does not feel safe to continue he can get on his jetpack/skiff and run across the lava. Everyone will die except the rezzer and he can come back and rezz everyone to try once again. The MH can leave his vehicle out before you start on HK without fear or losing it during the fight and it will be there if he is stuck in combat. You should have enough time to attempt HK twice (30 minutes). Do not let your group become discouraged, this does happen sometimes.


 HK-47 Knuckler etc.
 YT-2400 (トレード不可)
 暖かい光を放つ反応性解毒剤 Warmly Glowing Reactive Antidote
 暖かい光を放つエンジン部品 Warmly Glowing Engine component